Thursday, June 9, 2016

Raising Funds For Athletics Clubs Our Give To Get Plan Is AWESOME!!

As a coach for a junior team we had all kinds of fees that moms and dads hat to pay monthly to keep their kids on the roster and while fees were necessary for admin and paying me to coach and getting private gym time you have to feel for parents that have 2 or more kids playing a number of sports year round.

Well for the basketball team that I coached we came up with an idea of using our Give To Get program to help raise money for the clubs new uniforms.

Now before you go and say but they are still spending money on the program to help raise funds for the uniforms let's compare the 3 options the old way and the new way using our Give To Get:

Option 1 - The old way - we found out the cost of the uniforms and then divided it up among the team and that gave you the total we would expect from each parent.  Now yes we got a discount but if uniforms were $65 per kid and you had 2 kids that is $130.00 you would pay and that is it you kids get their uniforms.  This system just drains families that could be putting this money to more important things at home.

Option 2 - Here in Australia they call it a Sausage Sizzle - where you get with a local hardware shop and you buy the food and drinks needed for the afternoon and sell to the customers that visit the outlet and you get **The parents and kids to also come and help out and eat as well and raise money for the uniforms.  This is great and it works but lots of outlay - lots of man hours for volunteers that don't get paid for helping and cleanup etc that comes with it.

Option 3 - The Give To Get Fundraising Service we created leveraging the Modere Comp Plan and Products.  With our service we get every member in the club together - everyone downloads the app and uses the unique promo code given to the club (Just Like Uber) - Then the club encourages all members to buy $50 worth of product to try and they receive $10 off their first order for doing so.

Now it gets even smarter - if you have a club with say 75 members and you got every member to share with 3 people that bought $50 and got $10 off their first order you would have 225 people that place a $50 order that would bring you revenue of $2,225.00 (Not Bad For Just Sharing).

Here is the most important part you can keep sharing and sharing with as many and encourage them to do the same it will keep growing and growing. Now what this means for the Club is EVERY-TIME THESE PEOPLE ORDER THE CLUB HAS THE OPPORTUNITY TO EARN MONEY FOREVER!!!
This system is built to keep giving and giving the more you share the more you can earn - We love this because of a few good reasons:

  1. Low cost set up under $65 dollars globally
  2. Earn Money Every Month Forever
  3. Moms love it because their families are using great products that are free from harmful ingredients.  NOTE - The beauty of this is our products are products that people buy everyday except ours are without bad ingredients! So all everyone is doing is changing where they buy!
  4. No Running Around 
  5. Everyone Can Do It
  6. No Limit On Customers Buying Product 
  7. Anyone That Supports Your Cause As A Product User Will Qualify In Our Monthly Modere Experiences - Where we give one lucky shopper a great reward like - Skydiving - Trip for 2 VIP - VIP concert or sporting events for 2 - VIP gym membership - Get papered for 6 months & more just for trying our product and for leaving reviews customers earn reward points.
  8. They also get rewarded for sharing with friends - we send specials or discounts to them and on special days like birthdays and more on your behalf.  
As you can see the pro's definitely outweigh the con's - When you look at what we can offer it's a no brainier that many businesses and clubs also churches should be looking at alternative ways to raise funds that are not only for 1 time or 1 event but ongoing, that is real power - helping people Live Clean and raising funds for doing so.

If you like what you see here and would like more information then click on the Contact Me Tab fill in the form and I will personally get back to you and answer any questions.  I hope this has been useful and informative.  I really believe that we can help change the world a bit at a time by helping people Live Clean & Fundraising  For Great Causes.

Check Out Our Service - or Use Promo Code 3i6w8k No Credit Card Needed....

CJ Henderson